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Zeb // Wolf

22, he/him, fag, taken, intp(-t), pnw-based, bobarista, critter & canine hearted, creative, moto-biker, collector, occultist, hermit, aspiring woodsman & musher.

Acc TW: taxidermy (vuluture culture & ethical sourcing/hunting), mental health vents (rare & only on CFL- 2yrs clean & in remission from b.p.d, o.c.d, a.r.f.i.d, s/a, s/h, etc.), 4/20, food.

ㅤㅤDNI;ㅤㅤ anti-lgbtq+, lgbtq+ fetishizer, racist, bigoted, sexist, classist, believe in "cringe culture", zoo/pedoph*les, cheaters, "alpha" mfs, older than 30 or younger than 18, vent/ED accs, anon/priv accs w little-no info, if you sexualize/demean Age\PetReg, Furries, and or Otherkin, etc.

Interaction includes: following, sharing, messaging, liking, commenting, etc. My DNI is not debatable, I wont hesitate to block.I will not post individual tws, so proceed w caution. I will esp not tw food, my healed scars, my body, etc.- i'm not putting a tw on my past & progress. The most "nsfw" content I'll post is self-promo.

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